Thursday, October 11, 2007

Celebrity Weight Obsession

Ashley Simpson has once again abandoned her roots and looking like a Hollywood cookie-cutter or should I say sister Jessica's look? She's looking rather thin here...not quite rextremely thin...but very thin nevertheless.

Jamie Pressly has lived up to her desire of wanting to slim back down after giving birth. She went on a Cabbage Soup Diet for ten days. It's ridiculous to go on these liquid diets to lose weight and say that you are normal. Anybody who cuts back on that many calories has some kind of an eating disorder. On Weight Watchers, eating cabbage soup would be zero points.

Has Kirstie Alley abandoned her Jenny Craig diet? She looks a lot bigger here. Someone needs to tell her that the peasant skirt look is sooooo OUT!

Granted Neve Campbell has gained some weight, but I think she looks fabulous at this weight.

Pamela Anderson looks to be a bit on the rextremely thin side here. She's rumored to be pregnant and I ask, "Where?"

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