I am currently living in Asia right now, so my only form of entertainment is from buying cheap DVDs. I usually watch the chick flicks while I'm running on my treadmill and here are some that I've watched recently that I would like to add as a new feature on my blog. Rate of A is for excellent and F is failure to entertain.
27 Dresses starring Katherine Heigl, James Marsden, and Edward Burns. I am not a Katherine Heigl fan, so I had low expectations of this movie but was pleasantly surprised at how good Ms. Heigl in it. The gist of the movie is that Jane (Heigl) is a perpetual bridesmaid and is finally having to stand by her sister's side as she marries the man she loves.
Rating B + : Definitely worth the money and time if you want a good chick flick without all the cheese.
Juno starring Ellen Page, Jennifer Garner and Jason Bateman. As seen in the movie poster, it's about a 16 year old getting knocked-up. Even though some of the dialogue is pretty clever, it's not a "must see" in my book because some scenes are kind of raunchy for my taste.
Rating C: If you don't mind sitting through some awkward scenes of teens having sex (though it is not explicit), it might be okay.
Blonde Ambition starring Jessica Simpson, Luke Wilson, and Willie Nelson. Jessica Simpson is basically a country girl turned secretary in a really bad dialogue and storyline movie.
Rating F: Only worth your time if you really want to be reassured of how bad Jessica Simpson is at acting.
Enchanted starring Amy Adams, Patrick Dempsey, James Marsden and Susan Sarandon. I was very surprised that Amy Adams did not come across as a cheeseball as a turned to real life princess in this movie. I am amazed at how much Patrick Dempsey has changed since his Can't Buy Me Love days and Susan Sarandon is amazing as the wicked stepmother.
Rating B+: I enjoyed it a lot as did my two young girls.
Stardust starring Claire Danes, Michelle Pfeiffer, Robert DeNiro, and Sienna Miller. I was completely surprised at how much I liked this sci-fi movie. It has a great storyline and great acting. I've always been a Michelle Pfeiffer fan, so it's worth it just to watch her.
Rating B+: It's thoroughly entertaining and will definitely make you believe in magic again.