Kate Bosworth loves her skinny jeans. Love that she's wearing the trendy color yellow, but why in the world does she have the red scarf around her neck? To hide a hicky?

Kate Bosworth looks like death on a stick here. That dress completely washes her out. Julianne Moore isn't looking any better with her mu-mu sack and ugly blonde hair.

This dress is a little better, but she's loosing the sparkle in life. Maybe the recent weight loss had something to do with it?

I don't care if high-waisted jeans are back in style, I will NEVER wear it. High-waisted is the trendy term for "mom jeans." You know, those jeans your mom still has from ages ago that she still wears? Her ruffled plaid shirt is okay, I guess. This outfit just screams to me, "I'm hip."
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