Spice Girls Then: Doesn't Victoria look so much more human?

I know that Victoria Beckham looks the way she does because of a lot of help. I mean, who looks like that? Every time she is written about regarding her skeletal frame, she claims that she just eats really healthily. Um...I don't think so. Now, she wants the rest of the Spice Girls' to go on her diet of 200 sit-ups a day and eating endamame soy beans, strawberries, and lettuce. If this rumor is true, I hope Victoria realizes that consuming only these products is the first sure sign of an eating disorder. I am all about eating healthy to lose weight, but to be this restrictive is ludicrous. The sad thing is that most people who go on a restrictive diet become even more consumed with food and end up gaining the weight back and then some once they resume their old eating habits. What do you think? Do they need to lose weight?
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